It’s All in the Handwriting (Brilliant Biologuy Experiments)

You will need:

q Paper pad & pen
q Wooden pencils or
mechanical pencils
or coloured pencils

Learn the art of handwriting analysis along with your friends.


  1. Create a game for your friends.
  2. First ask one friend to write down demands on a paper as if he were a bank robber.
  3. Tear that paper and give it to a parent.
  4. As the rest of your group enters, tell your friend to
    join the rest of the group. But he should not reveal
    to anyone that he is the robber.
  5. Show the group the blank paper pad, and tell them that there was a robber earlier who had listed some demands and vanished. Their job is to find out who the robber is, and the only clue left behind was a blank paper pad.
  6. In case they cannot figure out how to find a clue on a blank paper pad, help them along by shading the topmost paper with a light pencil.
  7. The shading should reveal the writing
    left behind from the above paper.
  8. Now, ask them to analyze carefully
    the handwriting, and take samples
    from each member to use as


Handwritings are like fingerprints. No two handwritings will ever be identical. Learn to identify the differences by focusing on letters and their curvature, slope or angle of the writing.

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