In a farmyard, the chickens scratched around for seeds and at sunset, they all perched in the hen house to roost comfortably.
One hen had speckled feathers and as she flew up to roost, a feather fell out. She didn’t mind that, but she remembered a joke. “Which side of a hen has more feathers? The outside!” Laughing at it she settled on her perch saying, “The more feathers I lose, the more beautiful I’ll be!”
Her neighbour hen heard her and said, “Oh my God! The hen wants to pluck out her feathers to look pretty! The cockerel won’t like her!” Mama Owl who was flying outside heard her and told her family, “Do you know that a hen has gone mad? She’s pulling out her feathers and showing off in front of the cockerel?”
The news reached a dove who was shocked into saying, “The hen is pulling out her feathers and will catch a cold! How terrible!”

“Where?” asked the other doves and they learnt that it was all in the farmyard.
“The hens must be dead by now! Goodness Gracious!” said the doves.
The cockerel heard them and decided to spread the news. He crowed at the top of his lungs, “The hens have pulled out their feathers and died of cold!”
All the farm animals heard, even the rats. “Have you heard the news?” they asked, “The hens had a competition pulling out their feathers and they fought till they all died!”
The beetle carried the story to the speckled hen, “Do you know the hens pecked one another to death and then killed the cockerel?”
“Good heavens!” exclaimed the speckled hen, quite unaware that this was the rumour that began with her!
“It’s quite true!” said the beetle.
One little feather had started a rumour and killed all the hens and the cockerel!