Jack, Percy and Willow

Little Jack’s kitten Percy had climbed up a tree. Now, she was scared to come down. Little Jack stood below the tree encouraging Percy to jump down. Willow, the tree fairy, heard Jack’s worried voice and went to help them. She picked Percy up and floated down to the ground. Since she was invisible, Jack was startled. He could not understand how Percy could float down in a sitting position. He was scared and began to cry. Willow was not allowed to reveal herself to human beings. Suddenly, she had an idea. She made Percy go up the tree again. Then, she brought her down like before. She did this a number of times. Soon, Jack stopped crying and simply looked at Percy. All he saw was Percy going up the tree and floating down! ‘Ah!’ thought Jack, ‘I was scared because I had never seen Percy do this before!’ Willow smiled and went to help someone else.

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