Jack, the Idiot

There was once a nobleman who had three sons. The two elder sons were very clever. The eldest son knew the whole dictionary and the second one knew all the laws. But they were both very boring young men. The third son was known as Jack, the Idiot.
One day, the king announced a competition to select a husband for his daughter. She would marry the man who was best at speaking to her. The two elder sons were given fine horses by their father and they set off to try in order to win the princess.
But when Jack, the Idiot wanted to go, his father wouldn’t give him a horse, because he stood no chance of winning! So, he set off riding his billy-goat. He soon caught up with his brothers.
On the way Jack picked up a dead crow to present to the princess. Then he picked up an old wooden shoe. Finally, he filled his pockets with some clay. The elder sons were disgusted with his gifts and rode off leaving him to follow. Many young men were waiting at the palace to try their luck. When each one saw the princess, he was struck dumb by her beauty and quite forgot his speech!

When the eldest son was called in, he too forgot his speech! The princess sent him away. The same happened to the second son and he too was dismissed. Then it was Jack’s turn. He came in riding his billy-goat and exclaiming at the heat in the palace. There was a huge fire in the chamber. The princess told him that the king was going to roast chickens on that fire.
“Will he roast my crow also for me along with the chickens?” asked Jack.
“Oh, yes!” replied the princess, “But do you have something in which it can be roasted?”
“Certainly!” said Jack, pulling out the wooden shoe. He put the crow into it.
“That seems absolutely fine, but what about the gravy?” asked the princess.

Jack promptly poured out the clay he had brought into the shoe!
The princess was delighted with Jack.
“You seem to have ready answers for everything! I shall never be bored. So, you shall be my husband!” announced the princess.
And to the amazement of his brothers and all the others Jack, the Idiot married the princess and later became the king! he and the princess were very happy forever.

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