Jehovah Preaches to People

Alice had a pair of red shoes. They were very pretty but when she walked, they made a funny squeaky sound. Once she wore them to a birthday party and they squeaked, “Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!” All the children thought that there was a mouse in the room and were scared. At home, her mother didn’t like the sound either. One day she told Alice, “Honey, when you wear these shoes, I feel that the room is full of mice.” Alice was every upset. Nobody liked her shoes. She decided to throw them in the dustbin in the garden. She decided to wear them for the last time and walked to the garden. As usual, the shoes went, “Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!” Suddenly she heard a loud “Meow!” and a cat jumped on her feet. The cat must have thought there’s a mouse around. And lo! Strangely, the shoes stopped squeaking since then and Alice did not have to throw them away. She wore them to all the parties.

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