John Vincent Atanasoff

John Vincent Atanasoff was born on 4 October, 1903 in Hamilton, New York. His father was Ivan Atanasov. John Vincent Atanasoff finished his schooling from Mulberry High school in the year 1925 and hence he composed his bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Florida. Afterward he unremitted his studies. In the year 1926 he got his master’s degree in mathematics from Lowa State College.

The modern digital computer is founded by John Vincent Atanasoff which is known as Atanasoff-Berry- computer. In the past time, the Monroe calculator was in use for computing and this was the finest device to be had at that time. Then Atanasoff started researching for a modern and faster computing device. Thus in the year 1936, he found the analog calculator that was helpful to examine the surface geometry. The modern digital computer is his great invention that has a great use nowadays. He died  on 15 June, 1995, at the age of 95.

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