Joined autonomy faction

Disobedience Movement was suspended by Gandhiji after Chauri-Chaura tragedy, but an autonomy faction was formed in Congress. Gandhi Sewa Sangh was established for expansion of principles of Gandhism in 1923. Babu Rajendra Prasad, Sardar Patel, Seth Jamna Lal Bajaj, Rajgopalachari, Gangadhar Rao and Deshpande etc. were the members of its managing committee.
A declaration was made to keep its functions separate from politics.
All India Charkha Association
To spun two thousand yards of yarn and to wear Khadi was made mandatory for membership of Congress in Congress session held in Belgam.
Autonomy group opposed it, so in lieu of yarn it was decided to charge four annas from them.
Whatever money was acquired from publicity of Khadi, Gandhiji set up a Charkha Sangh to get proper use of each penny. He himself made its constitution and became its chairman. He appointed few members of the Sangh and Rajendra Babu was one of them.
First foreign tour
In Madras Congress session Rajendra Babu’s wife, brother, brother’s wife and other friends too came with him. At the end of the session Rajendra Babu went to Rameshwaram. Leaving family members there he left for Sri Lanka, where Rahul Sankrityayan was studying Buddhism in the university. He showed places of interest to Rajendra Babu there.
After that he had to go to England to fight a legal suit. It was his first foreign tour.
Rajendra Babu conducted the legal proceedings efficiently for his client in England. It was due to his efforts both the parties agreed for a out of court settlement. The lawyers of England who took Rajendra Babu as an ordinary person earlier acknowledged his supremacy.
In those days a conference was held in a village named Gratz in Australia against the world war, in which Britain, France, Germany were participating.
On 1st of August 1928 Rajendra Babu reached there. In his speech he advocated for the principle of non-violence and urge the world to follow the path shown by Gandhiji.
Rajendra Babu emphasized not only on sacrifice, but unity too. He always remained anxious for it.
True follower of Gandhi
He was the disciple of that great man who had no match in the world. He became the follower of Bapu since historical Civil Disobedience of Bihar (Champaran) and followed him throughout his life. He felt pride to be a follower of Gandhi’s path. The contribution he had made in freedom struggle and during the time of framing the constitution, has been written in history in golden words.
Rajendra Babu had given up worldly comforts at the time of Civil Disobedience Movement of Champaran in 1917. He submit himself for the struggle and success of freedom.
A few examples of Rajendra Babu’s servitude—
A disastrous earthquake shattered Bihar in 1934. Thousands of people were killed. No room left for people to reside. Leaders of the country were visiting the affected areas. The volunteers of Sadakat Ashram were also helping the oppressed. Rajendra Babu was going by train to inspect the arrangement.
It was the month of Baisakh and time was 2 p.m. The train was overcrowded, not even an inch space was empty. People who crammed in the train were crying for water. The hand pumps at the stations had been uprooted in the earthquake.
Train stopped at the stations and moved further. No water was there at any station. People were crying for water. Rajendra Babu who was in train couldn’t tolerate the merciful cries of the people. He board down the train and rushed for water. People standing at the station were also crying for water. Soon a kind hearted person holding a bucket and tumbler in his hands calling—“I have brought this cold water for you.”
Indeed he was Rajendra Babu.
Gandhiji was also travelling in the same train. He at once recognised him and applauded his selfless service towards the poor.

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