Jonas Edward Salk

Jonas Edward Salk (28 October, 1914–23 June, 1995) was a well-known American medical researcher who is best known for his discovery of first polio vaccine. In the 1950s, polio was considered to be the most frightening disease in the United States, which seemed to create large annual epidemics that killed millions. After being appointed at the School of Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh, Salk began his studies on various types of polio viruses, which he continued for seven years. His vaccine was tried on 2,20,000 volunteers with successful results. After the same was declared, he continued his efforts of developing a safe and effective vaccination for polio. He never patented the vaccine, and till date, he is considered the designer of polio vaccine for his significant contributions. He later on found the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, which is currently a centre for scientific research in La Jolla, California. 

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