Jungle Safari

Today, we are going on a Jungle Safari. Would you like to go with us?

Jungles are home to a wide range of plants including tall and big trees, long vines, shrubs, grasses and moss.

A number of wild animals live in the jungle, such as bear, tiger, zebra, elephant and fox.

Look at these monkeys. They are having fun swinging and leaping through the branches.

Here comes the lion, the King of the jungle. The lion and the lioness are playing with their cute little cubs.

The giraffe, the tallest land animal of the world, also lives here. I wonder what a long neck it has.

Look at these large, majestic animals walking in the jungle. These are elephants.

Hiss! Here comes the snake, hissing loudly. It’s a reptile with a long body but no arms or legs.

Wow! What pretty birds they are! There live many birds in the jungle, such as peacock, parrot, owl, eagle and ostrich.

This is a river. The animals drink cool and fresh water from it. It’s time to go home. Goodbye friends!

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