Kaikeyi certainly loved Rama, but her love for Bharata made her blind to the evil which Manthara was pouring into her ears. “Perhaps Rama will have all his brothers, including your darling Bharata, killed later,” suggested Manthara. Kaikeyi became thoughtful, imagining the things Manthara was saying. She was beautiful and Dasharatha doted on her, but once Rama got power what would be her position in Ayodhya, she wondered. Manthara was right! “What should I do?” she asked Manthara. “Do you remember the two boons Dasharatha had said he would grant to you? Ask him to make Bharata his successor and send Rama into exile in the forest for fourteen years!” Manthara suggested. “Go to the room for bad moods and throw a tantrum!” Kaikeyi followed her advice and changed into old, shabby clothes. She went to the ‘Anger Room’, flung her jewellery all over it and sat down to sul