Kaliya’s Wives Pray to Lord Krishna

Lord Krishna attacked the Mighty Serpent King. He brought Kaliya’s hood down and climbed on it. “Krishna, my son; please be careful!” cried out an anguished Yashoda. Thus began the dance of Lord Krishna on the hood of the king of serpents, Kaliya. Kaliya was squeezed under the weight of Lord Krishna and was almost out of breath. As the incarnation of Lord Vishnu Himself danced on the hood of the mighty serpent, all the other snakes watched in fear. Many of them vanished deep beneath the surface of the waters so that they might escape the wrath of Lord Krishna. When Kaliya’s many wives realised that their husband was about to meet with his destruction, they started to cry. Kaliya was squeezed under the weight of Lord Krishna and was almost out of breath. They started praying to Lord Krishna to forgive Kaliya and spare his life.

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