Kansa is Slain

Meanwhile, evil Kansa was performing the yajna in the arena in the palace. A bow was to be worshipped there. Lord Krishna and Balarama entered the arena and Lord Krishna broke the bow in a challenge to evil Kansa. Angry Kansa thundered, “Kill Him at once!” Chanura and Mushtika heard him and attacked the two brothers.
At the same time, Kubalayapida, the mighty elephant, was also released into the arena. Lord Krishna and Balarama killed Kubalayapida first. They took the elephant’s tusk and hurled it on the floor of the arena.
All night, the two wrestlers fought against the brothers. But they stood no chance against Lord Vishnu Himself. Lord Krishna grabbed Chanura’s body and spun it a hundred times before dashing it to the ground and killing him. Balarama destroyed Mushtika in a single blow. Kansa realised that even the most carefully laid evil plans would not be successful.

Lord Krishna and Balarama now approached evil Kansa, the demon-king, as he sat away from the arena in his palace. Kansa saw them and fearfully ordered his guards, “Tie both the brothers in iron chains and put them in the prison.” The prophecy that Lord Krishna would kill the monstrous and ruthless demon-king was about to come true. Before anyone could move a muscle, Lord Krishna jumped off the arena and caught hold of Kansa by the hair. Then, He hurled Kansa who fell senseless to the ground due to the impact. As everyone watched awe-struck, Kansa breathed his last at Lord Krishna’s feet.
Kansa’s brother Sumali tried to kill Lord Krishna. Balarama destroyed Sumali in a trice. With this, the reign of demon-king Kansa came to an end in Mathura.
The entire Mathura rejoiced at the death of the demon-king. Lord Krishna met His parents Vasudeva and Devaki. Nanda and Yashoda also came to Mathura to join in the celebrations.

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