Kansa Lays the Trap

Kansa arranged for a yajna (fire ceremony), where offerings would be made to the Fire-god. On this occasion, he planned to hold the wrestling match between Krishna, Balarama and the two wrestlers. Kansa sent his associate Akrura to bring Krishna and Balarama to Mathura. ‘This will not be enough to destroy them. I must make other plans,’ thought evil Kansa. So, he sent an asura (demon) called Keshi to destroy the two brothers in Vrindavan itself. Alongside, he planned to release a huge elephant called Kubalayapida in the arena. ‘If one plan does not succeed, another will. Now I have nothing to fear about. If Keshi does not manage to kill them, surely Chanura and Mushtika will. Failing that, elephant Kubalayapida will kill them. I am safe.’ Foolish Kansa did not know that his end was near.

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