Duryodhana felt grieved at the death of Drona. Dhritrashtra was cursing the Pandavas. On the sixteenth day, Karna was appointed the next commander-in-chief of the Kaurava army. Arjuna with Bhima attacked Karna. Finding Karna alone Dushasana reached there. Bhima’s rage was uncontrollable when he looked at Dushasana who had humiliated Draupadi. He tore off Dushasana’s arms and fulfilled his terrible vow of tearing him up and sucking his blood. The scene horrified everyone. Then Bhima collected some blood in his palms and carried it to Draupadi who washed her hair with the blood of Dushasana.
Arjuna and Karna had a fierce battle. Karna’s hour of death had come. The wheel of his chariot got stuck in the mud. He got down to lift it out. But Arjuna was bent upon shooting an arrow. Karna told that it was not right conduct to attack a warrior when he was helpless. Thereupon, Krishna asked him what happened to his right conduct when he was encouraging the Kauravas to poison Bhima, set fire to the lacquer palace, cheat at the game of dice, humiliate Draupadi, exile the Pandavas and then refuse to return their kingdom. After Krishna’s suggestion, Arjuna killed Karna with a divine weapon.
Karna is Killed