Tarakasur organised a huge army and set off to attack the gods. When he reached the battlefield, he was amazed to see a child leading the gods’ army. Demon Tarak immediately knew that it was Shiva’s son coming to kill him. He shuddered, but he did not want to show his fear. “Ha! ha! ha! You gods are worthless! Have you no shame in hiding behind the shield of a small child?” Demon Tarak jeered. Indra tried to tackle Tarak himself. But Tarak used his own vajra and threw it at Indra. The King of gods, Indra fell down unconscious. Now, there began a spirited fight between both sides. Karttikey threw his spear at Tarak and he hit back with his own. Karttikey fainted away. “What is going to happen now?” the gandharvs who were watching from the skies, wondered. But Karttikey soon recovered and hurled his spear at Tarak. The spear pierced Tarak’s chest and he fell down on the ground with a terrible cry. All the gods rejoiced. There was great jubilation among them.