Karttikey–the Demon Killer

After Tarakasur’s slaying, Karttikey learnt that three of Tarak’s followers, Banasur, Kraunch, and Pralamb who had fled after the war, were hounding people around the mountains. Karttikey shot arrows from where he was standing and killed them. Now the gods were in high spirits. But, among those three demons, Pralamb was still alive. The rejuvenated gods eliminated many demons, while some of the demons pleaded mercy and yet others retreated. The delighted gods brought down a rain of flowers. After learning that Karttikey had killed Tarak, Shiva and Parvati reached there and embraced their son. They also blessed him. The women from heaven descended and performed aarti to ward off evil. The sages chanted religious hymns. There was celestial music, too. All men and women praised and worshipped Karttikey. He aided the angels in retaining their rightful place. Thereafter, he went back to his abode near Mount Kailash.

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