Kaveri’s River Form

Agastya’s marriage proposal surprised Kaveri. She thought for a while and then agreed. She knew that Agastya was a wise and virtuous person. She said, “O Sage, I have a request to make. I would like to help mankind in some way. As you know, this region is facing scarcity of water. I want you to transform a part of me into a river so that the dry land of South may get fertile again.” The sage was impressed by the noble thoughts of Kaveri and transformed a part of her into a river. The river was named after her. Agastya did not let Kaveri flow there at the Sahya Mountains. Instead, he carried her river form in his kamandalu. Agastya and Kaveri got married and selected a beautiful mountaintop on Sahya Mountains as their abode. Unfortunately, Agastya forgot to release the water form of Kaveri in the Southern part and the part remained dry. There was drought all over. The gods in heaven were worried about the drought.

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