You will need:
- Balloon
- Kebab stick
What happens when you puncture a balloon?
It bursts. What if we told you there was a way
to skewer balloons without bursting them?
Ask your friends to try. When they cannot
figure out, show them this experiment.
- Before performing this in front of your friends, practise it for a few times with the help of an adult.
- Pick a sharp kebab stick up, or ask an adult to sharpen one with a pen knife.
- Take an inflated balloon, and carefully insert the kebab stick into the balloon, near the neck of the balloon.
- Keep pushing it through till you reach the bottom. Slowly, push the kebab stick out from the bottom of the balloon.
The balloon will not pop. On the contrary, you will now have a balloon skewered on a kebab stick. To understand why the balloon did not pop, you must first understand why it does. Balloons are full of tension. The rubber on the sides is usually stretched to the maximum, and cannot withstand any force. If we try to make a hole in the side, all the pressure inside the balloon gets concentrated at the tear, making it larger and larger till the pressure is reduced. But the rubber of the balloon is thickest near the top and the bottom. Hence, the balloon will not burst.