Taking good care of our teeth is part of keeping ourselves in good health. This is because teeth play an important role in digestion. We use our teeth to chew food, which is mixed with saliva in the process. The food, now broken up and softened, is then easy to digest. Healthy teeth need healthy gums, as gums provide support for teeth. It is therefore important to detect any sign of unhealthy gums early.
There are four signs of unhealthy gums:
- Gums that bleed during brushing or flossing
- Swollen or bright red gums
- Gums that are receding from teeth, even exposing roots
- Bad breath that does not go away after brushing
The most effective way of ensuring dental health is to promote oral hygiene. As early as possible, children should be taught to brush and floss. Parents should monitor the child’s mouth regularly for any sign of gum disease. Children should be taken on regular visits to dentist for check-ups.
He who learns to take good care of his mouth at a young age is more likely to have good dental habits as an adult. It also helps the loss of teeth in the long run.