Khudiram Bose is hailed as the first martyr of organised revolutionary movement for India’s freedom. He has become a legend on account of his fearlessness and valiant defiance of death. Khudiram Bose was born on December 3, 1889 in Habibpur Village of Midnapur district in Bengal. He had lost his parents at a very early age and was brought up by his elder sister. He joined the movement for the country’s liberation after the partition of Bengal, in 1905.
He started his revolutionary activities under Satyen Bose. He was first arrested in February 1906 but escaped from the police custody. He subsequently participated in the incident of looting mail bags at Hatgacha in 1907 and in the bomb attack on Governor’s special train in December 1907.
He was known in revolutionary circles as a courageous and capable organiser. Kingsford, the Chief Presidency Magistrate of Calcutta had made himself thoroughly unpopular by his harsh methods of suppressing the national movement.
It was decided by the revolutionaries to eliminate him and this task was assigned to Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Chaki. Kingsford had, meanwhile, been transferred to Muzaffarpur as Sessions Judge.
On 13 April, 1908, Khudiram assisted by Prafulla Chaki threw a bomb at the carriage supposed to carrying Kingsford. Unfortunately, instead of Kingsford, two ladies who were travelling in that carriage were killed.
Prafulla Chaki was apprehended by the police but he shot himself dead. Khudiram was arrested a day later. He fearlessely told the police that he had thrown the bomb to punish Kingsford.
He was sentenced to death and hanged on 11 August, 1908. In Muzaffarpur Jail the Magistrate, who had ordered his execution subsequently remarked that Khudiram “moved to gallow like a defiant lions cub.”
The martyrdom of Khudiram at the age of 19, led to a surge of patriotic awakening all over the country. Songs were composed glorifying his contribution and his sacrifice passed into folk lore.

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