Killing Bakasura

When Ghatotkacha grew up, Kunti leaving him with Hidimba went away with her sons. On the way, they met sage Vyasa who knew everything. He advised them to keep patience as God sees but waits.
Soon the Pandavas reached Ekachakrapura. They lived in the house of a Brahmana and went out as mendicants, begging food from other households.
One day, they heard their landlord and his family lamenting. The family stated that a cruel demon, named Baka, living in a cave near by controlled the city. He ate the people of the city.
The people sent a bullock-cart full of food driven by one person from a house in the city as a part of compromise. He would eat the food, the bullocks and the driver as well. That day, a member of the landlord’s house had to go. Kunti persuaded him to send Bhima.
Bhima drove the bullocks with the food cart to the cave where he sat down to eat all the food. This enraged the demon who attacked Bhima. The latter brushed him off. Finally, after his meal, he broke Bakasura’s bones and killed him.
After the death of Bakasura, the villagers felt delighted. Kunti considered it wise to leave Ekachakrapura. They reached the banks of river Ganga, when a warrior in a chariot challenged them and asked them not to go near the river or they all would get killed.

On enquiry, the Pandavas learnt that he was Angaraparna, a gandharva chieftain, who had come for some leisure to the forest with his wife Kumbhinasi. Arjuna thus challenged and stood up to him to battle. After the combat with Arjuna, the gandharva fell down unconscious. His wife pleaded for mercy and requested Yudhishthira to spare her husband’s life.
The Pandavas spared Angaraparna who regained consciousness. In return, he gave Arjuna the gift of divine inner vision and a hundred horses, that would be available when their owner needed them. The Pandavas thanked him and proceeded on their way.

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