King Cobra and the Ants

Once, there lived a king cobra in a small hole, in the jungle. When he was small, he ate little creatures. As he grew older and bigger, he began to eat eggs, lizards, frogs and rabbits. And when he grew up further, he even started eating other smaller snakes. His pride grew with him. All the small animals began to fear king cobra. One day, he thought, ‘I must move from this small hole to a bigger place.’ He came across a big tree and decided to live there. Then he saw an anthill near the tree and thought, ‘Why should there be an ugly anthill near my royal house?’ He hissed aloud, “I am king cobra. I order the ants to vacate this place, immediately!” There was no reply. He became angry and struck at the anthill. What a surprise! Thousands of ants swarmed up all over the king cobra, biting him everywhere. The king cobra could not bear the pain and ran away.

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