King Kong’s Hand (Chemistry Experiments)

King Kong’s hand must have been very big to hold a lady in it. Now, you can make your own big hand with just a few simple materials. Without the marker lines, the hand becomes a cow’s udder, the bag under the cow that holds its milk-an utterly fantastic trick!
Anyway you look at it, it’s pure chemistry and it will teach you about an important gas that all chemists know.
Things Required:
A disposable latex glove (available in packages of ten)
1/4 cup of baking soda
1/2 cup of vinegar
Brown or black permanent marker pen (optional)
A friend or an assistant would be helpful for this experiment, and it’s best done over a sink or basin (or outside) as it can be messy!
For King Kong’s hand, make short vertical lines with the marker pen on each side of the glove to represent King Kong’s hairy hand. If you’re making a cow’s udder, leave the glove plain.
Let your helper hold the glove over the sink or basin while you pour the baking soda, followed by the vinegar, into the glove. Now, very quickly, close the opening of the glove with your hand to make an airtight seal. Hold it tightly for several minutes.
This Is What Happens:
The glove blows up like a balloon; then after several minutes it goes back to its normal size.
Science Behind It:
When you mixed the baking soda and vinegar together, you made a very popular gas called carbon dioxide (CO2). This is why the solution started to fizz and foam up and spill out over the top of the glove before you closed it up. Once the gas is trapped in the glove, it has no place to go, so it blows the glove up. Eventually, the reaction grows less; the gas succeeds in escaping, and the glove returns to its normal size.

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