The Ardeotis kori (scientific name) or kori bustard is found in open grasslands, plateaus, plains and arid scrublands of Africa. At 3.9 feet, this bulky bird is one of the largest flying birds in the world. The face and the neck are predominantly grey, and a black crest runs back from the crown. The upperparts are brown, and underparts are white. It does have a black patch at the base of the neck, black-white speckled feathers on the shoulder, and long yellow legs. It forages for food mostlyon foot. Its diet consists of insects, reptiles, rodents, seeds, roots and wild melon. Being polygamous breeders, the female incubates a clutch of 1-2 eggs on its own for 23-24 days. Its IUCN listing is the LEAST CONCERN.
Kori Bustard