One day, mother Yashoda sent all the servants for the preparation of Indra Yagya. She herself was busy in churning curd. While she was busy with her work, little Krishna woke up from his sleep and started crying loudly. Yashoda put the curd aside and held her son in her arms. She started feeding him with milk. But just then, she remembered that she had put the container of milk on the fire and the milk must have boiled. She hurriedly put Krishna down on his bed and rushed towards the kitchen. But Krishna’s hunger was not satisfied till then. Mother Yashoda had given priority to the boiling milk and put him down from her lap. So Krishna got very angry. He held a stone and threw it to the vessel of the curd. The vessel broke and the curd started flowing from it. He then broke the vessel of butter too and distributed it among the monkeys of Gokul. When Yashoda returned and saw that it was Krishna’s naughtiness, she scolded him, but when she saw him sad, she lovingly took him in her lap and started feeding him again.

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