Krishna, Balrama, Nanda and the gopas took the clothes given by the washermen. The clothes were not of their proper sizes. But they still wore the ill-fitted garments and went to move around Mathura. On their way, they met a tailor. When the tailor saw that the garments did not fit them properly, he at once approached them with scissors, a measuring tape, a needle and other stitching materials. He offered to stitch their clothes so that they might fit them properly. They agreed and the tailor did his work in a very short time. Everyone was pleased with his service. They asked for his charges but the tailor took nothing from them in return for his service. Krishna blessed the tailor and they moved on. Then, they met a poor florist on their way. He took them to his house. When Krishna entered his house, the florist said that he was blessed to have him as his guest. He told him that the people of Mathura were fed up with the tortures of Kans. Krishna blessed him and granted him many worldly comforts. He assured him that Mathura would soon get rid of Kans.