As Lord Krishna grew up, He became more and more mischievous. One day, Yashoda got tired of His pranks and tied Him to the okhli (mortar for grounding spices). “O Krishna, I have tied You so that You may not go away,” Yashoda said. She went off inside the house to do some work.
Lord Krishna smiled and walked while tied to the okhli. There were two giant Arjuna and Amla trees next to each other. Lord Krishna walked through the trees, tied with the okhli, and got stuck between them. Such was His power that both the trees on either side were uprooted as the gopis present watched in shock.
A gopi ran and informed Yashoda about this. Yashoda rushed to where Lord Krishna stood with both the trees on either side. She realised that Lord Krishna’s power knew no bounds. She hugged Him tight as He laughed in His mother’s arms.

After the repeated attacks of demons, Yashoda was worried about the safety of Lord Krishna. “We must move away from Gokul!” said Yashoda to Nanda, worriedly. “Why should we do that?” asked the Chief of the Cowherds, Nanda. “If we live here, there might be more demon attacks on Krishna,” said Yashoda. “Our son is not an ordinary human! So, why worry?” asked Nanda. “We already know this. But He is just a young boy,” replied Yashoda. Nanda agreed to move to Vrindavan for his son’s safety.
Both husband and wife along with Lord Krishna and Balarama moved to lush Vrindavan. Yashoda was content in the hope that her son would be safe in Vrindavan, though she knew He was the Divine Lord Himself.