Lord Krishna’s five cousins, the Pandavas, had a kingdom named Indraprastha. The eldest of them, Yudhishthir, wanted to perform the Rajasuya Yajna. He went to Lord Krishna and said, “For the Rajasuya Yajna, a king has to be declared an emperor and all the surrounding kingdoms have to recognise him as their overlord. I have no choice but to defeat Jarasandha and obtain the title of emperor. Please help me, Krishna!” Lord Krishna said, “Send Bheem (the second Pandava) and Arjun (the third Pandava) to Magadha, dressed up like the Brahmins. They should challenge Jarasandha for a wrestling bout.” Thus, Bheem and Arjun reached Magadha. When they challenged Jarasandha, he did not believe them to be the Brahmins as they had well-built physique. “Who are you?” he yelled at them. Much to Jarasandha’s shock, Lord Krishna also came. “Pick an opponent, Jarasandha! We have come to fight you,” said Lord Krishna, and He revealed Bheem’s and Arjun’s identities.
Krishna’s Cousins