Kuber rushed back to Mount Kailash. He told the whole story to Shiva. “Please help me! Protect me from Ganesha’s fury. What should I do to satisfy his hunger?” cried Kuber. “Don’t worry, Kuber. Ganesha is just teaching you a lesson in humility. You were too proud of your riches. False pride always does one harm,” said Shiva. Kuber understood his mistake. He begged forgiveness and apologised for being blinded by the fake lustre of his riches. Shiva then advised Kuber to offer Ganesha a bowl of sweet rice-cakes to satiate him. Kuber rushed back home with a bowl of sweet rice-cakes and presented it to Ganesha. Ganesha was happy and content after finishing up the rice-cakes. Kuber fell at Ganesha’s feet and begged for mercy. “I could not understand your greatness, my Lord! My pride is gone now,” he said. Ganesha accepted Kuber’s apology and blessed him.
Kuber Realises His Mistake