When Ravana reached his palace, he was feeling very discouraged. Then he remembered Kumbhakarna and his energy revived. He sent a soldier to wake Kumbhakarna up, who had fallen asleep only nine days ago. All the drums and pipes and bells couldn’t break his deep sleep. Finally, elephants were made to walk over him and he stirred. As soon as he awoke, he drank gallons of wine and ate several animals. When he was full, he roared out that he would kill Rama. Kumbhakarna set off carrying his huge spear, an army following him. He began killing the soldiers and, when Sugreeva and Angad attacked him, he flung them down, making them unconscious. He picked up Sugreeva and ran to the palace. Sugreeva recovered consciousness and bit his ear. Kumbhakarna screamed and dropped him, and Sugreeva joined his troops.
Kumbhakarna Enters the Battle