Ram saw that his army was slowly losing to Kumbhkarn. Even the mighty Hanuman, Angad and Sugreev were helpless before him! So, he decided to deal with the invincible Kumbhkarn himself. Ram entered the battleground with his mighty bow. He then cut off Kumbhkarn’s body, part by part, and finally killed him. Then, Vibheeshan came hurriedly to Ram and said, “Lord, Meghnad is performing a special ceremony, called Nikumbhil yajna. If successful, he shall become invincible. We have to stop it.” So, Ram sent Hanuman along with the monkey-army to obstruct Meghnad’s yajna. When they reached the secret spot, they saw Meghnad immersed in worship. Hanuman and other monkeys caught Meghnad by the hair, pulled him to the ground, and kicked him. Meghnad struck back at Hanuman and Angad with his trident. They both fell to the ground. Lakshman sprang to their rescue and killed Meghnad.
Kumbhkarn and Meghnad Killed