
Krishna’s grandfather had a beautiful little daughter, Pritha. His cousin, Kuntibhoja, was childless, so he adopted Pritha and called her Kunti. She was good-natured and cared for guests very well. Her conduct pleased Sage Durvasa, who came there once. He gave her a mantra by which she could request any god to give her a child. Being very young and curious, she thought of Surya, the Sun-god, and chanted the mantra. Surya appeared before her and told her that he would give her a son. Kunti was terrified but there was no way to change the effect of the mantra. So, a radiant son, Karna, with a divine armour and ear-rings, was born to her. Unable to keep him, she put him in a box and sailed it down a river. The box was picked up by the royal charioteer, Adiratha, who brought up Karna with his wife Radha.

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