Kunti and Pandu

Kunti’s swayamvara was held when she was older and she married King Pandu. She went with him to Hastinapura, the capital of his kingdom. Pandu also married Madri, the sister of King Shalya of Madra. The custom was to make friends with different kings through marriage. Once Pandu was out hunting. He killed a male deer playing lovingly with its doe. They were actually a sage and his wife. The sage cursed him that he would die if he was ever lovingly with his wives. Pandu was very unhappy and giving his kingdom to Bhishma and Vidura he went into the forest with both his wives. Kunti told him about the boon given to her by Sage Durvasa. She shared the mantra with Madri and five sons were born: Yudhishthira, Bhimasena and Arjuna to Kunti; Nakula and Sahadeva to Madri. When Pandu died, Madri became a sati with him, leaving Kunti to care for the children.

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