Lake Toba (Indonesia)

Lake Toba (Indonesia)

In ancient times, there lived an orphan peasant boy named Syahdan in Sumatra Island. Syahdan had to do farming and fishing. One day, he was fishing a very beautiful fish. The colour was golden yellow. So holding, the fish turned into a beautiful princess. Because a human touched, it turned into a princess. Fascinated by her beauty, Syahdan asked the princess to become his wife. She agreed on the condition that the young man would not tell their origins to anyone. Syahdan then agreed to all terms. After a year, the couple was blessed with a son. The son had a bad habit, that is he never satiated. He ate all the food there.

One day, the child was eating Syahdan all the food from his parents’ plate as well. The young man was very annoyed; he said, “The basis of the offspring of fish!” That statement by itself unlocked the secrets of what he had promised to keep. Their promise had been breached. His wife and son disappeared mysteriously. And from the ground of their former footing many water springs came out. Water flowing from the springs started increasing till it became a vast lake. The lake is now called Lake Toba.

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