Lakshmana was puzzled how two little boys could cause so much havoc. When he saw the boys, he liked them immensely. Lovingly, he explained to them that they must let the horse go. Luv and Kush were in a naughty mood. Kush shot off an arrow that toppled Lakshmana’s crown. This angered Lakshmana and he shot arrows at them furiously. The boys broke them easily. Although Lakshmana was deeply impressed by the boys yet he was taken aback by a blow from Kush’s fist. He retaliated with a shot that made Kush fall unconscious. Luv was miserable. He dropped his bow, sat down near Kush and meditated on Guru Valmiki. Immediately, Kush revived and the battle began again. The boys cut down all Lakshmana’s arrows till Luv felled him with an arrow given by Valmiki that was very strong, like the brahmastra.
Lakshmana Battles with Luv-Kush