Laughter is the Best Medicine

Much before medical science discovered it, Readers Digest came out with the prescription-laughter is the best medicine. Newspapers and magazines which regularly run humour columns are, therefore, doing their bit to keep the readers in good health. Reading light articles, whether they be satirical, comic or just humorous, relieves the tedium of work-a-day world. Some pieces may even tickle one’s grey matter.
It is said if you laugh for ten minutes you will be in a better position to put up with pain for two hours. According to the US researchers, laughter is a good brain to ‘feel good’ regardless of how you feel. According to a French doctor, laughter deepens breathing, improves blood circulation, speeds up the process of tissue healing and stabilizes many body functions. Researchers state that laughter stimulates the production of beta-endorphins, natural pain killers in the body and improves digestion. Research has shown that those who laugh are less prone to digestive disorders and ulcers. Some people in France have made it a career. You can hire a ‘jovialist’ who crack jokes and laughs and promises to make you dissolve your worries in helpless laughter.
A word of caution, although, laughing is a good exercise for toning up the facial muscles, laughing at others, expense, particularly at their disabilities, it is in bad taste and must be avoided. Secondly, laughing with food in the mouth is dangerous as the food stuff can get into the wind pipe and may choke the digestive system.
In short, it acts as a power drug with no side-effects. Laughter comes best when it is free of encumbrances.
Stimulates—to excite

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