Leading A Disciplined Life

Whole universe works in a disciplined manner. The stars, planets and satellites all work in a disciplined manner. All heavenly bodies work in their orbits and do not intercept in each other’s work. Sun and moon rise and set according to their own in a disciplined manner. Consequently days and nights and seasons take place as usual. We can predict a particular festival and lunar or solar eclipse on the basis of rotation of sun and moon. It never happens that writer may not be followed by spring or summer season because natural objects work in a disciplined manner. They rotate on their axis in a fixed way and in disciplined manner. All objects of nature point out value and usefulness of discipline.
If natural objects follow discipline and work in a disciplined manner, so it is necessary as well as useful for human beings. Regulated and disciplined behavior is the key to success, progress and prosperity to individuals as well as for nation. For peace, prosperity and development of a nation discipline is must.
Disciplined students confer greatness to their institutions, schools and colleges. Proper teaching can be done in a well disciplined class. As well as disciplined team win the game. India gained freedom as it opposed British imperialism in a disciplined manner. Thus discipline makes a nation great and indiscipline ruins it.
Discipline should begin from childhood at home and later in schools. Generally those institutions make progress who works in a disciplined manner. Discipline is law of life, therefore disciplined persons succeed everywhere and they are asset to a nation because discipline is essential for progress and prosperity of a nation.
Consequently—as a result
Succeed—to prosper

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