Long ago, all the animals in the forest looked the same. Even Mother Earth who had created them could not tell the difference. So, she sent out a message, “I am going to change how everyone looks like. So, all animals are requested to come and see me!” A platypus was under the water, playing with his friend, the fish. He did not hear Mother Earth’s message. He was playing even after the fish had gone. When she came back with shining scales and fins, the platypus learnt about the message. However, by the time he reached Mother Earth’s home, there were only leftovers. He was given a beaver’s tail, a duck’s bill and flippers, and a bear’s fur and claws at the end of the flippers. When he came back, the fish laughed at him. The platypus was so embarrassed that he dug a hole in the ground near the river to live in. He continues to live there even now.
Leftovers for Platypus