Liam’s Travels

Liam’s school vacation had just begun and he was excited to be travelling all over Dinoland. All packed up and ready for his solo adventure, Liam’s first destination was the exotic land of Dinonic. Once in Dinonic, Liam noticed how different everything was from his home. Starting from the skin and spikes, to the language and clothes, nothing was the same. Famished from the travel, Liam entered a restaurant and asked for the meat he relished back home. But as soon as he mentioned it, the people made faces and threw him out. The same happened at many other restaurants, until Liam enquired someone about the reason. The dinosaur immediately shushed Liam and said, “Young traveller, you asked for the meat of a god-like dinosaur here. Always remember while travelling, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Do things the way dinosaurs around you are doing, not to mess up.”

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