Lights out


Rena and Leah were sisters. They had a habit of going to sleep with the lights on as they were afraid of the dark. During the holidays, Aunt Marie came to visit them. When she saw the girls going to sleep with the lights on, she said, “There is no need to switch on the lights. What frightens you so? Go to sleep and I’ll switch off the lights.” But Rena and Leah could not sleep well that night. So, they kept gossiping and giggling. Then they knocked at their aunt’s bedroom door. Aunt Marie bumped into the wall in her sleep and screamed when she opened the door, “What keeps you awake? Go back to bed!” The whole of next day, Aunt Marie had a headache. Rena and Leah apologised for waking up their aunt in the middle of the night for no reason. Aunt Marie also let them sleep with the lights on.

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