It was midnight and the witches were having a party. There was a great deal of magic in the air and the witches were delighted in showing off their cats, owls and broomsticks to one another. Some of them were sharing recipes and cauldrons were smoking on the fires they had lit as various potions were tried out.
Linda, the little daughter of the Witch’s Queen, sat all by herself looking a little lost. She had seen a young man in the forest, but couldn’t invite him to the party as it was only for witches. And the worst of it was that she couldn’t go and meet him either because her broomstick had caught fire during the party!

As Linda sat on a log feeling miserable and lonely, a plump, kind-looking witch came and sat down beside her.
“What’s the matter, dear?” she asked, patting Linda’s hand.
Linda looked at her and wondered if she could share the secret with her. Then, she decided to tell her.
“It’s like this, Aunt Karen. I’ve fallen in love with a young man and he may not be a magical person at all. I want to go and meet him, but my broomstick is burnt!”
“I will get you a broomstick, but on one condition,” she said, “You must first find out if he has any magic in him and then only must you marry him. Otherwise, he will be horrified at marrying a witch!”
Linda agreed. Aunt Karen waved her wand and from the log came a lovely broomstick. Linda hugged Aunt Karen and took off on the new broomstick. She reached the forest and decided to find the young man.
Linda could see a light shining and, following it, she reached a poor hut. From it came the sound of sweet music and looking in at the window, she saw the young man playing a flute. But he was not alone. Sitting near him was a pretty girl who was listening to him with a smile. As she watched them, Linda realised that the man had already found a loving wife.

Sadly, she turned away. But then she thought she should leave them a wedding gift. She waved her wand and the hut was transformed into a pretty little cottage, with a garden full of flowers. The young man and the girl looked around them in happy wonder, but before they could find her, Linda had flown off on her new broomstick!