Listen to the Wise

In a thick, dense jungle, there lived many lions. There were two huge baobab trees in the middle of this jungle. The lions used to kill other animals. The carcasses of the dead animals used to stink and spoil the air. One day, the baobab trees started talking. They said, “These lions are polluting our jungle. We must drive them out of here.” A wise old tree, who stood near by, said, “These lions keep us safe from woodcutters. No woodcutter dares to come into our forest.” But both the trees ignored his advice. That evening, the baobab trees started shaking violently. “Do not do that,” shouted the wise tree. But the two trees did not pay heed. They began swaying wildly in the wind and made eerie sounds. All the lions ran away. After a few days, a woodcutter came to the forest and started felling the trees. The two friends cried out, “Oh my God, save us! We should have listened to the wise old tree.” Unfortunately, it was too late to save them now.

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