Things Required:
2 homemade berry litmus strips 2 small containers, one with lid
3 tablespoonfuls of dishwashing liquid
1/2 cup of water
1/2 cup of vinegar
Paper and pencil
Some newspaper
First read “What do the colour changes mean?” before continuing. Put the water and dishwashing liquid into the container with a lid, close it up and shake to mix well. Put the vinegar into the other container. Dip the strips of litmus paper into the solutions. Hypothesize or guess if the colour change will show whether that solution is acid or alkali. Write down the name of the solution (dishwashing liquid and vinegar), and record your answers. Now dry the strips of litmus on the paper towels (about five minutes) and label them as to what solutions they were dipped into and what colour changes were noticed. Was your hypothesis, or guess, correct?
This Is What Happens:
The litmus dipped into the vinegar has more red in it. The litmus dipped into the soapy water has more blue in it.
Science Behind It:
Vinegar is acetic acid but soapy water is an alkali compound or base. The berry-coloured litmus papers are positive tests to determine which substances are acids or bases.
Note: Keep containers, litmus paper, pencil and paper for the next experiment.