One morning, a farmer was driving his tractor along the road, whistling a tune. As he passed by the countryside, a little girl ran towards his tractor and stopped him. “Stop! Who are you?” she asked. “Just a humble farmer,” he said. “Where are you going?” “To my farm,” he replied. Then she ran around his vehicle and asked, “What have you got in your tractor?” “I have got a load of manure for my farm, little detective. Now let me go,” said the farmer. “All right. You may go. But not before you tell me what you are going to do with all that manure,” the girl said. “I will put it on my strawberries,” said the farmer. The girl thought hard for a moment and said, “Now that is strange. We usually put ice-cream on our strawberries.” The farmer had a hearty laugh and went on his way.
Little Miss Detective