Once, a couple of Japan, after spending many years without any child started musing that why God brought this catastrophe to them. They so intensely longed of children that even a little inch-sized child could dispense merriment in their life. And they were blessed with a little-sized son as they wished, he was named Issun Boshi, ‘little one inch’. When he turned fifteen, he set for the capital city in search of his fortune with a very heavy heart. At the workplace he successfully influenced his masters, but left immense impact on his master’s daughter. Once they both had a visit to a temple, where they were stopped by two gigantic giants.
One of them swallowed Issun to trouble the girl. Issun had a needle in his waistcoat, which he used to stab in the giant’s stomach to come out of it. The giant feeling of excruciating pain in his stomach led him to vomit Issun out of the stomach. And as the other giant looked down to see Issun, he broke his eyes with his needle. This way he set him and the girl free of them. In their haste they left behind a mallet which Issun Boshi and the girl–she had come back to help him–recognised as a magical object. This enigmatic power transformed him into a normal-sized man and thus they agreed to get married to start a beautiful life ahead.