When the two brothers arrived in Mathura, Akrura went to the palace while Lord Krishna and Balarama roamed the city on foot. They met a garland seller, who knew at once that they were divine. He worshipped them with flowers and Lord Krishna blessed him. Further on, the brothers met a young woman named Kubja. She was beautiful though she had a hump on her back. Her long hair and pretty eyes were marred by the hump. She was carrying sandalwood paste. “Whom is the paste for?” asked Lord Krishna. When Kubja told Him it was for Kansa, He told her to anoint Balarama and Himself with the paste instead. After she had done so, He removed the hump from her back. Kubja looked extremely beautiful now because her hump was gone. She thanked Him happily. Lord Krishna and Balarama proceeded to Kansa’s palace. It had become dark when they reached it.
Lord Krishna Heals Kubja