Lord Krishna is Born

As the time for Lord Krishna’s birth neared, the stars formed a special constellation. A star called Rohini shone brightly. This glittering star comes out only on special occasions. The planets fell in line and the music flowed as the gods and Apsaras (divine nymphs) danced. The time for Lord Krishna’s birth drew near. Devaki shone like the sun because Lord Vishnu was about to be born to her. So bright was her radiance that no human eye could bear to see her. Rivers became calm and peaceful. As soon as Lord Krishna was born on the stroke of midnight at Ashtami, flower petals fell from the sky and covered the earth. Prithvi rejoiced at the birth of the Lord. Vasudeva was filled with joy to see his eighth child, who was the incarnation of the divine Lord Vishnu Himself.

As soon as Lord Krishna was born, Vasudeva became alert. With the blessing of the Lord Vishnu, the prison chains fettering Vasudeva fell open.

The prison gates opened on their own. The prison guards fell asleep. “There is not a moment to be lost. You must set out for Gokul with our son, Lord Krishna,” pleaded Devaki to her husband. “You are right. I shall leave for Gokul immediately with Him. Evil Kansa should not come to know of the birth of Lord Vishnu, for he will surely destroy our eighth child. I must leave at once,” said Vasudeva. Then he placed Lord Krishna safely in a basket and quickly moved out of the prison-cell. He headed with resolve to Gokul.

As Vasudeva neared the mighty River Yamuna, which had to be crossed to reach Gokul, the rain began to pour down heavily. The crossing was very difficult. Vasudeva stepped into the swirling waters with faith in his heart. As thunder boomed and lightning cracked across the sky, Vasudeva wondered how he would get to Gokul safely.

To protect Lord Krishna from the rain and storm, Sesa, the Great Serpent, spread his mighty hood and shielded Him from the storm. The river was flooded and water level rose high. But just as the waves touched Lord Krishna’s feet, the river calmed down. Even as the rain fell, Vasudeva’s firm footsteps guided him to the palace of the Chief of the Cowherds, Nanda. Vasudeva thought, ‘What if the palace guards see me with my son?’ Then, he saw that Lord Vishnu had put the palace guards to sleep. Vasudeva crossed the sleeping guards at the palace and soon reached Yashoda’s birth chamber.

Soon, Vasudeva met his friend, Nanda. Nanda was beaming with joy at the birth of his daughter.

Vasudeva told him the whole story and handed over his son. Nanda gave his daughter Yogamaya to Vasudeva. He kept Nanda’s newly born daughter in the basket and took her along to the prison.

When Vasudeva reached the prison, he placed the baby-girl next to Devaki. As soon as he did so, the prison doors clanged shut. The prison guards awoke. They raised a loud clamour when they saw little baby-girl Yogamaya. The guards immediately ran to tell evil Kansa about the eighth child. Vasudeva comforted Devaki and said, “Do not worry; Lord Krishna is now safe in Gokul. Kansa will never be able to reach Him.” Kansa’s fate was now sealed. When Demon Kansa heard that the eighth child had been born to Vasudeva and Devaki, he ran to the prison-cell. “Where is the eighth child?” Kansa roared. Devaki pleaded, “She is a baby-girl. How can she harm a mighty King like you? Please don’t kill her.”

But Kansa picked Yogamaya up. “Die now!” thundered evil Kansa as he threw Yogamaya to the ground. The baby-girl rose in the air. She was goddess Yognidra, who had been sent by Lord Vishnu to the earth to teach Kansa a lesson. “O Foolish Kansa, the One who shall destroy you has been born already. You cannot win. Mark my words. You are going to die.” Evil Kansa gaped at her. She burst into a peal of laughter and vanished into the sky.

When goddess Yogamaya told Kansa his days were numbered, the demon-king realised that it was futile to prison Devaki and Vasudeva. The couple was allowed to leave the cell. Vasudeva anxiously awaited news about his two sons. One day, Vasudeva received a visit from Nanda. Vasudeva was happy to see Nanda in Mathura. Vasudeva then told Nanda to guard both the boys carefully. Vasudeva also told Nanda about why Kansa wanted to destroy Lord Krishna. Nanda realised how important it was to protect both the boys. So, he decided to look after the boys with great care.

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