Lord Krishna Kills Putana

Kansa instructed all demons to search the entire land for Lord Krishna. One of the most powerful demoness Putana found out that Lord Krishna was in Gokul. She took the form of a bird and arrived at Gokul. Then, she changed into a gopi and visited Lord Krishna’s house. ‘I will feed poisonous milk to the eighth son and He will die,’ she thought. All of Gokul was asleep except Lord Krishna. She took Lord Krishna in her arms and started to feed Him poisoned milk. Lord Krishna sucked the life out of her and the evil demoness fell to the ground with a terrible wail. Yashoda and Nanda awoke and came running out of their home. They saw the dead demoness lying on the ground and realised what had happened. Henceforth, Yashoda watched over Lord Krishna with special care.

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