However, Kansa did not give up on his evil plans to kill Lord Krishna. He sent Vyomasura, the son of the demon-chief Mayasura, for destroying Lord Krishna. Vyomasura changed himself into a cowherd and joined Lord Krishna’s group that was playing hide and seek. He carried some of the cowherds from their hiding places to a cave. ‘Now Krishna will come in search of His friends. I must surprise Him and destroy Him!’ plotted evil Vyomasura.
As soon as Lord Krishna noticed that His friends were missing, he arrived at the cave. Vyomasura was waiting for Him. “I am the son of demon-chief Mayasura himself and I will tear you from limb to limb,” threatened the evil demon. The demon changed into a massive mountain and tried to crush Lord Krishna who handled him with a mighty blow and destroyed him. The cowherds cheered yet another victory of Lord Krishna.
Lord Krishna Kills Vyomasura