Lord Krishna Meets Kaliya

Soon, Lord Krishna reached the banks of River Yamuna. He climbed up the kadamba tree and jumped into the water. Just as He dived into the water, the poisonous water splashed on the tree and burnt it. As Lord Krishna was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, His blue body was undamaged by the venomous waters. The black serpent was livid with anger that someone had dared to swim in his waters. “Who is so foolish as to step into my water? Do you not know that you will burn with the poison that I spread in the river? My anger and rage will consume you with evil fire and you will not live to regret this!” thundered the snake. Since he was the king of the serpents, his loyal snakes and their wives were alerted to see the enraged king. Kaliya readied himself to kill Lord Krishna.

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